versus arthritis exercises

Tailored stretching: Hip exercises (for arthritis and joint pain)

Tailored stretching: Knee exercises (for arthritis and joint pain)

Full body stretching: Morning routine (for arthritis and joint pain)

Tailored stretching: Shoulder exercises (for arthritis and joint pain)

Full body stretching: Evening routine (for arthritis and joint pain)

Tailored stretching: Neck and back exercises (for arthritis and joint pain)

Tailored stretching: Finger, hand and wrist exercises (for arthritis and joint pain)

Full body stretching: Daytime routine (for arthritis and joint pain)

Suffering from Hip Pain? Struggling to Sit and Stand? Get Rid of Hip Pain in Minutes – Forever!

Let's Move with Leon - Session 1: Mobility

Tailored stretching: Elbow and wrist exercises (for arthritis and joint pain)

Let's Move with Leon Session 4: Strength – lower body

Surgery Toolkit: Hip replacement exercises for before and after surgery

Let's Move with Leon - Session 6: Core strength

Let's Move with Leon - Session 2: Movement for Life

Let's Move with Leon - Session 5: Upper body strength

Let's Move with Leon - Session 7: Cardiovascular and respiratory fitness

Tailored stretching: Ankle, foot and toe exercises (for arthritis and joint pain)

Let's Move with Leon - Session 3: Adaptation and exercise tailoring

Surgery Toolkit: Knee replacement exercises for before and after surgery

5 Exercises for Arthritic Knee Pain!! - #arthritis #kneearthritis #arthritisrelief #arthritispain

Let's Move Resistance Band Workout Session Two: Lower Body

Let's Move with Leon - Session 11: Flexibility

Let’s Move with Leon - Getting down and off the floor